Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes
Subject to ratification
Thursday 4th May 2023
1. Need for Treasurer.
We are still in need of a treasurer. If you are able to help, please speak to one of the wardens. You do not have to be a Church Council member to take on this role.
2. Update of work at the Hermitage.
The refurbishment of the Hermitage is nearing completion and work on the garden has begun.
3. Licencing and Gift.
Father Alec will be licenced by Bishop Michael on Sunday 4th June. As this is the Bishop’s last service before he retires a gift will be given to Julia from the people of St. Andrew’s.
4. Music Week.
This will be held in October 2023.
Harvest Festival and Music Week Eucharist Sunday 15th October.
Monday 16th October 19.30p.m Charity Concert.
“Monday is Music Night”
5. Parish Lunch.
This will be held on Sunday 5th November. Further details to follow.