Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes
Wednesday 4th May 2022
(draft – to be formally adopted at the next Council meeting)
Council recommended the following synopsis of the meeting be published on the St Andrew’s website and in the magazine.
1) Music Week – Earl had been in contact with Dr Joe McGee who will be available to come to the TRNC for the following programme commencing Sunday, 30th October 2022.
Sunday – Choral Eucharist
Monday to Thursday am – Choir Practice
Thursday pm – Choral Evening Concert
2) Finance – The 2020 accounts are still awaiting final audit but this is being pursued.
3) Church Hall – Council agreed that the hourly rates currently charged should be reviewed.
4) Fabric –
Gate hinges need to be repaired. James was authorised to carry out this expenditure and oversee the repair.
New Notice Board is required as the previous one was damaged in the storms. James was asked to get quotations for council to consider.
Benches. The bench in the front of the church yard needs repairing. James is to get a quote for this. Council decided not to repair the two old benches currently stored at the rear of the church..
Irrigation System. The system needs adjusting as some planting had been done after the system was installed. Stuart will pursue this with the plumber.
5) Parish Profile. Council members had all received copies of the latest suggested amendments and spent a long time working through them. The final draft will be tidied up and sent to the Archdeacon for his approval.
6) Hermitage. Council were given a report on work needed to be done on The Hermitage and quotations had been received. These options are to be reviewed and investigated.
7) Jubilee. There will be an opportunity for a celebratory toast to the Queen during our refreshments fellowship in the hall on 5th June.
8) DONM. This will be at 10.30am on 16th May 2022 in The Heaven Café, Alsancak.