Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes
Subject to ratification
Monday 15th September 2022
1) Visitors to Church – Malcolm Davies is organising a roster of volunteers who will be available to welcome visitors to the church. He is to organise a simple method of providing keys to support this project.
2) Finance – The Treasurer and his team had produced Financial Reports and a Financial summary for the year up to July 22. During the past two years we have lost some of our main contributors. Stewardship and Giving should be addressed as a priority.
3) Zoom Licence – A Licence for the church to use Zoom facilities is to be purchased.
4) Diocesan Contribution – Council agreed that a contribution of £2,400 would be given to the Diocese in 2022.
5) New Incumbent and Hermitage – Any decision on renovation of the Hermitage could take one to two years to put into effect. Council’s immediate attention should go into finding suitable rented accommodation and producing a very tempting advertisement for a House-for-Duty Priest to come and live in lovely Cyprus with its’ low-cost of living in relation to the UK. An advertisement for this post is to be prepared and placed immediately.
6) Fabric – Generator maintenance is to be carried out by Malcolm Davies.
7) Church Hall – St Andrews urgently needs someone to take over this responsibility from Sally Birt who is standing down after many years of loyal service.
8) Cover for services to the end of the year – This will be arranged between Jacqueline and the Archdeacon.