St Andrew’s once again welcomes Fr Ken Gabbadon – this Sunday 18th August.
Fr Ken was very well received on his last visit back in July and his musical sermon was greatly appreciated.
What treats are in store for this Sunday?
Summer worship continues through August
A short service continues to take place on Zoom every Wednesday evening until the end of August.
All are most welcome.
Here is the zoom link and order of service from the Diocesan website:
Bill Grundy’s work with the British Cemeteries Committee
In addition to his invaluable work at St Andrew’s Church, Bill Grundy is also Deputy Chair of the British Cemeteries Committee.
This keeps him very busy and he is frequently called on to take funerals.
Everything that Bill does in this role is very much appreciated by the families, as this recent Facebook post shows…
This Sunday’s Preacher and Celebrant
This Sunday’s preacher and celebrant needs no introduction. Our Reader, Bill Grundy, will be taking the service on August 11th.
Who Are We?
Did you know that Iraq is part of our Diocese? And Yemen?
And that we are in the same Province as Iran?
The Diocesan Communications Team has produced this short, clear and very readable guide to our fascinating Diocese.
They hope it will be helpful to newcomers and anyone less familiar with the structure and work of the Diocese.
Highly recommended !
Just click on the blue link here:
Who Are We? A Brief Guide to the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf.
A Special Farewell this Sunday
The Venerable Christopher and the Reverend Anne Futcher will be coming to Kyrenia this Sunday to take the service – and to say goodbye to their friends at St Andrew’s, before retiring to their home in South West England at the end of September.
Christopher and Anne came to Cyprus in 2019 as Parish Priest and Associate Priest at St Helena’s in Larnaca. Both of them have made a huge impact in the Diocese as a whole and Cyprus in particular.
Christopher is Archdeacon in Cyprus and Diocesan Director of Ministry, as well as Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser. Anne is Diocesan Social Concern Officer.
Frequent visitors to our church over the years, Anne and Christopher will be greatly missed by all of us at St Andrew’s. We wish them all the very best in their retirement.
St Andrew’s Magazine – Final Edition. Summer 2024
‘ I have enjoyed what I have done, it has been a privilege to work for you and I thank you for your support and encouragement. I used to say to friends, when it was coming to that time in the month when I needed to concentrate on completing the mag, that I was going into “purdah” for the next few days! Now I will have the chance to extend my after-lunch nap!’ ….
So says Anne towards the end of this, her final edition, of St Andrew’s magazine.
Do read her account on page 38 of her experience of putting together over 160 editions of this fabulous magazine over the last 16 years.
What a phenomenal achievement!
Anne has done a really excellent job, producing a first class magazine, which is always such a pleasure to read. We will very much miss the informative and insightful articles Anne has included in her magazine.
Huge thanks to Anne for all the hard work, time, thoughtfulness and skill she has put into the magazine over the years.
Thank you, Anne.
TV Celebrity Preaching at St Andrew’s
This Sunday’s celebrant and Preacher, Revd Ken Gabbadon, is someone you may have seen before – on TV!
Retiring from his post as a prison chaplain in Yorkshire, Fr. Ken came to Cyprus after appearing on ‘ A Place in the Sun’ – and now lives in Larnaca.
Wednesday Evening Worship
Wednesday evening worship on Zoom continues during July and August.
Details are in Bishop Sean’s letter of invitation and the order of service in the links below.
This Sunday’s Preacher
The Celebrant and Preacher on Sunday will be Fr. George Vidiakin. He says he is looking forwarding to visiting St. Andrew’s again.