Music Week 2023

Make a note in your diary for St Andrew’s Music Week 2023 which begins on Tuesday 10th October and ends with a fund-raising Concert on Monday 16th October.

During the week the Facilitator for this year’s Music Week, Neale Agnew, will work with the St. Andrew’s Singers which comprises members of the church choir supplemented by friends and colleagues.

On Sunday 15th October the choir will lead worship at the 10:30am Harvest Thanksgiving Service in St. Andrew’s. At this service a set of magnificent solid oak outer church doors will also be dedicated

Monday 16th October at 7:30pm is Monday Night is Music Night, featuring Neale and Mary Felgate, violin (The Caledonian Reelers) and the St. Andrew Singers. This will be followed by refreshments afterwards in the church precincts for the audience.

Neale Agnew – Facilitator, Music Week 2023

From a young age, Neale has been involved in every aspect of choral music – as a singer, conductor, accompanist and organ soloist, beginning his passion for church music as a chorister in First Presbyterian Church, Bangor at the age of 8. He has been Director of Music in Fisherwick Presbyterian Church, Belfast since 2005.

Neale has worked with many of Ulster’s leading choirs and choral societies and his interest in liturgical music has given him opportunities to perform at venues throughout Ireland, in England, in Germany, Austria and in the USA.

He is a Past President of the Ulster Society of Organists & Choirmasters, sat on the Advisory Committee of the Incorporated Association of Organists and is currently on the Board of the Northern Ireland International Organ Competition.

A retired primary school teacher, Neale now divides his time between church music, teaching piano and cycling.

Institution of the Rev Alec Mitchell

On Sunday 4th June 2023 Bishop Michael Instituted the Rev Alec Mitchell as Priest-in-Charge of St Andrew’s Church, Kyrenia.

This was also Bishop Michael’s last service in St Andrew’s before his retirement and so a presentation of a painting of Kyrenia Harbour by Maxene Schailer was made to him and his wife Julia.

We wish them both a long and happy retirement, and every blessing to Fr Alec and his wife Linda as they begin their ministry here in St Andrew’s.

Laus Deo!

Photographs courtesy of John Crothers

Ascension Day Service in St. Andrew’s

The Solemnity of the Ascension of Jesus Christ, also called Ascension Day, commemorates the Christian belief of the bodily Ascension of Jesus into Heaven. Following the account of Acts 1:3 that the risen Jesus appeared for 40 days prior to his Ascension, Ascension Day is traditionally celebrated on a Thursday, the fortieth day of Easter.

Ascension Day will be celebrated in St. Andrew’s on Thursday 18th May 2023 at 12 noon

The Revd Anne Futcher will preside at the Holy Communion service where the preacher will be the Venerable Christopher Futcher, Archdeacon of Cyprus.

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