Lent Study Course

A Lenten Study Course will be held n St. Andrew’s starting on Thursday, 22 February and on the following four Thursdays (February 29th, March 7th, 14th and 21st) – starting at 10.30am and finishing no later than 12.30.

The meetings will be held at The Hermitage and be preceded by the Office of Morning Prayer in the Hermitage Chapel at 10.00am prompt.

The theme of the Course will be ‘WHY DID JESUS DIE? THEORIES OLD AND NEW’, and, as with the Christmas Unwrapped series in Advent, it will be an interactive, Biblically-based course.

Lent lunches in St. Andrew’s

Lent soup lunches will be served in the church hall on Sunday 3rd and 17th March after the morning service. The lunch will consist of home-made soup, fresh bread and butter, plus a cup of tea or coffee. Volunteers to help with serving are needed so if you would like to help, please contact Earl.

There is no charge but Donations (200/300 TL?) will be appreciated. Proceeds will go to the Ras Morbat Clinic, Aden.

It is good for Christians to meet together informally, and food and fellowship are close friends!

We remember those to whom this meal would be a feast.

Ash Wednesday – 14th February 2024

Ash Wednesday falls on Wednesday 14th February this year.

There will be a service of Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes at 10:30am on that day.

James Gibbs RIP

It is with great sadness that we record the death of our Church Warden, Mr James Gibbs, on Monday 11 December, at the Kolan British Hospital, Lefkosa.

A memorial service, celebrating James’s life, will be held here at St Andrew’s next Wednesday, 20th December, at 11.00am. James will be laid to rest, in England, in early 2024.

May he rest in peace and rise in glory!

Joint service with the Norwegian Church abroad (Sjømannskirken )

On Sunday 3rd December 2023 St. Andrew’s hosted the Norwegian Church abroad (Sjømannskirken) at a joint service to celebrate Advent Sunday.

The service was led by the Revd Alec Mitchell and Diakon Annelis Holmedahl.

Below are some photographs of the service courtesy of Linda Balfe.

Prayer for Peace and Reconciliation in the Holy Land in St. Andrew’s

Following the calls by Archbishop Hasam and the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem for a day of fasting and prayer for peace and reconciliation, St. Andrew’s Church, Kyrenia will be open from 09:30am to 10:45am on Tuesday 17th October 2023 for prayers for peace and justice.

The time will be spent mainly in silent prayer with some reflections and opportunities to light candles and offer personal petitions.

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