Cyprus Clergy meet at The Hermitage
The quarterly meeting of the Anglican Clergy in Cyprus was held at The Hermitage this morning. It was a pleasure to welcome to Kyrenia clergy from Paphos, Larnaca, Derynia and Nicosia.
Enthronement of our new Bishop
The Consecration and Enthronement of Bishop Elect Sean Semple as the Sixth Bishop of the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf will take place at St Christopher’s Cathedral, Bahrain on Friday 24 May at 6 pm.
The Enthronement of the new Bishop in St Paul’s Cathedral in Nicosia will take place on Saturday 22 June at 5 pm.
Both events will be followed by receptions. Anyone wishing to attend either, or both events, would be most welcome.
Lent Lunches for Ras Morbat Eye Clinic
Lent lunches will be served in the church hall on Sunday 3rd and 17th March after the morning service. The lunch will consist of home-made soup, fresh bread and hummus, plus a cup of tea or coffee.
There is no charge but Donations (200/300 TL?) will be appreciated. Proceeds will go to the Ras Morbat Clinic, Aden.
Ras Morbat Clinic still operates, despite the civil war in Yemen, specialising in eye care and corrective procedures. It also runs a vaccination programme for children and staff go out to remote areas including Somali refugee camps.
Ras Morbat clinic is financed by donation via our Diocese and run entirely by skilled and dedicated Yemini staff. Treatment costs are kept low and the clinic has a very good reputation for its work.
The situation has become much harder for the clinic in recent weeks. Power cuts last 8 hours and there is usually only 2 hours of electricity a day. Mansoor, the director, travels long distances to find enough diesel to power the generator to keep the clinic operating.
Your support for Ras Morbat’s vital work this Lent will be greatly appreciated.
A Golden Weekend
It was a memorable weekend for our Reader Bill and Geraldine, our Church Secretary, who celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary . Our very best wishes to a truly golden couple.
Lent Group
We are holding a Lenten Study Course at The Hermitage, for 5 Thursdays, starting on February 22nd.
We will start at 10.30 and finish by 12.30
For those who wish to attend, morning prayer will be held in The Hermitage chapel at 10am.
Al Ahli Hospital, Gaza
The diocese of Jerusalem and JMECA are so grateful to all who are praying for an end to the war in Gaza and to all who have donated to support the Al Ahli Hospital.
The situation continues to be desperate but we can confirm that as a result of appeals to date, lifesaving medications, disposables and consumables worth $56,000 (approx £44,000) were delivered on January 31st, despite the danger of delivery vehicles travelling without safe passage.
Read the latest update provided by Canon Don Binder :
Lent and Easter Services
New Bishop for Cyprus and the Gulf
Archbishop Hosam Naoum, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East, and the Synod of the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf are pleased to announce the election of the Revd Sean Semple to be the sixth Bishop of the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf.
The Revd Sean Semple is currently the Rector of the Benefice of Ross with Walford and Brampton Abbotts in the Diocese of Hereford. He has served on various committees in the Diocese including chairing the Council for World Partnership and serving as Rural Dean of the Deanery of Ross and Archenfield.
Sean has served in 3 provinces of the Anglican Communion. Before coming to the Diocese of Hereford, Sean served as a priest in the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf, and the Diocese of Natal, South Africa. He was ordained priest in the Diocese of Natal in 2011 following a decade of ordained ministry in the Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa. Sean’s undergraduate studies in Psychology and Theology were undertaken at the University of Natal and the University of South Africa, followed by post graduate studies in Spirituality and Clinical Psychology at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and the University of Nicosia respectively.
Sean is married to Jenny and they have five children and one grandchild.
A date for the service of consecration, and installation in the two cathedrals of the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf, St Christopher’s Bahrain and St Paul’s Nicosia, will be announced shortly.
Ash Wednesday at St Andrew’s
Members of our Gujarati community after Wednesday’s Ashing