New Bishop Visiting Kyrenia

Our new bishop, The Rt Revd Sean Semple, is to be enthroned in his cathedral in Lefkosa/Nicosia on Saturday 22 June.

In recognition that many from the TRNC may not be able to attend, he himself therefore intends to come to St Andrew’s on Sunday 23 June.

We are honoured that this will be his first official engagement here, and are planning a special welcome service, to be followed by a celebratory lunch together.

Annual Church Meeting

A reminder that our ACM is this Sunday 7th April at 12 noon, in the hall.
The meeting should finish by 1.15
All are welcome to attend.
Anyone on the Electoral Roll may also vote.

Easter Sunday Communion Service

It was wonderful to welcome so many people, from so many places, to our joint Easter Communion Service with the Norwegian Church Abroad.
Pastor Jon Albert Ihlebaek’s very powerful and moving sermon gave us much to think about.

Nordic Easter Lunch

Many thanks to The Norwegian Church Abroad for welcoming us to their fabulous Nordic Easter lunch today. We loved the food – thank you, Birgitta! – the stories, the singing and being in such wonderful company.
We look forward to our sunrise service early tomorrow, followed by our joint Easter Communion Service at 10.30, when Pastor Jon Albert Ihiebaek will preach.

Lent Lunches raised €400 for Ras Morbat Clinic in Yemen

Lent lunch

A very big THANK YOU to everyone who took part in our Lent Lunches. The €400 raised for the Ras Morbat Clinic in Yemen was handed over to the Diocese yesterday and was very gratefully received.
The Clinic staff rely on donations made through our Diocese to continue their essential work at this difficult time.

Holy Week & Easter Services


Maundy Thursday 28th March – 12 noon

Good Friday 29th March – At the Cross 12 – 3pm (Vigil from noon. Service 2pm)

Easter Sunday 31st March
Sunrise service at the Hermitage* – 6.30 am

Easter Sunday 31st March – Easter Sung Eucharist – 10.30am

*The Hermitage, 6 Karaosmanoğlu Sokak, Kyrenia.

Holy Week & Easter Services

All services apart from Easter Sunrise are in St Andrew’s Church.

Lent Lunch – March 17th

We are holding our second Lent Lunch after the service this Sunday March 17th. There will be home made soup, bread and tea or coffee.
Donations will go to the Ras Morbat Clinic in Yemen. Please support this valuable work.

Ramazan Bayramınız

A blessed month of Ramadan to all our Muslim friends and neighbours and to Muslims everywhere.
We remember especially those in Gaza. We pray that the aid coming by ship from Cyprus will soon reach them and help to ease their terrible suffering.

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