Request for Prayer

A message from our Diocesan Office

Dear All

The Diocesan family is deeply concerned to hear that Julia Lewis, whose health has been deteriorating rapidly in recent weeks, is now in hospital in Limassol, Cyprus. We send our love and assurance of our prayers to Bishop Michael and their family and ask for God’s healing hands upon Julia, bringing comfort and care during this challenging time.

With my prayers for you all,


Ascension Day Service

Thursday 9th May – Ascension Day

Said Eucharist service at 10.30 am

Genesis: Fact and Truth


GENESIS: Fact and Truth

Our next study series will look at the first part of the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Bible.

It will begin on 16 May and run for four consecutive Thursdays at the Hermitage.

We start with prayers in the Hermitage Chapel at 10.00am followed by the Bible Study until 12 noon when refreshments will be served.

Guest Preacher on May 5th

Rob Wardle will be our guest preacher next Sunday, May 5th. Before he retired last summer, Rob was the Team Rector for Ynys Cybi (Holy Island) in Anglesey.
Rob and his wife, Carol, now live on their smallholding in Blaenau Ffestiniog in North Wales.
This is Rob, a couple of weeks ago, with one of their newborn lambs.

New priest installed in Paphos

Fr Alec and Linda were delighted to be able to attend the Installation of Rev Paul Carr at St Stephen’s Church in Paphos on April 27th.
We wish Paul every blessing in his ministry in Cyprus.


In the aftermath of the extreme rainfall and devastating flooding in the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and wider Gulf Region, the Bishop-elect Rev’d Sean Semple has been in contact with clergy to offer his prayers for the congregations, people, and officials in all affected areas. He writes, “As a Diocesan family we not only care for one another in times of need and distress, but we also do what we can to bring hope and practical assistance to those in need in our communities. Our ability to carry on and serve others in extremely challenging times comes from our faith in the Risen Christ.” He invites all to pray with him for all whose lives have been affected and disrupted by the flooding, for all who are working so hard to care for the traumatised, and for those involved in the clearing up and repair of infrastructure.

God of compassion,
you hear the cries of all who are in trouble or distress;
accept our prayers for those whose lives are affected by storms and flooding:
strengthen them in their hour of need,
grant them perseverance and courage to face the future
and be to them a firm foundation on which to build their lives;
this we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.

A message from our friends in the Bishop’s Office of the Diocese

A message from our friends in the Office of the Diocesan Bishop:

Dear Friends,

As the Diocesan Cathedrals of St Christopher in Bahrain and St Paul in Nicosia prepare for the Consecration and Enthronements of Bishop-elect Sean Semple, it would bring Sean great joy to know that all parishes were united in prayer for the Diocese, for his family, and for him, as he begins this journey of faith with us all.

The Consecration and Enthronement of Bishop-elect Sean at St Christopher’s Cathedral will take place on 24 May 2024 at 6pm. The Enthronement of the new Bishop in St Paul’s Cathedral in Nicosia will take place on 22 June 2024 at 5pm. Both of these events will be livestreamed, and it is hoped that parishes may wish to gather together for the service to celebrate and reflect on this historic occasion, with our new Bishop—the sixth of the Diocese, the first to be consecrated in Bahrain, the first African-born.

Please pray for the Diocese, for Bishop-elect Sean, his wife Jenny, and their family—sharing this prayer:

Heavenly Father,
in every age you raise up pastors and leaders for your Church
to reflect the light of Christ and to lead us in the way of holiness.
We thank you for the election of your servant Sean
who soon will be consecrated as our Bishop.
Grant to him and his family every grace of your Spirit
as they prepare to move to the Diocese.
Bless Sean’s future ministry
that together with the priests, deacons and laypeople of Cyprus and the Gulf
the light of Christ may be seen
and the love of Christ experienced by the people we serve.
We ask this through the name of Christ our Lord. Amen.

With warm thanks and best wishes from your colleagues in the Office of the Diocesan Bishop.

Celebrating 64 Years!

Many congratulations from all of us at St Andrew’s to Sally and David on their
64th Wedding Anniversary!
Blessings on them both.

Eid Mubarak!

A very happy and blessed Eid to all our Muslim friends and neighbours – and to Muslims everywhere.

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