But, if we’re honest, we have our ‘least-favourite’ too!
Now here’s your chance to censor that irritating tune and those dreary words for a whole 12 months in our fun (and fund-raising) AUCTION!
Here’s how it works:
* You can nominate up to 3 items from our current hymn book, but….
* For each one , you must pledge how much you will donate AS A MINIMUM, to have it ‘banned for a year’ from public use
* Write your choice(s) on the form provided, with the pledged sum(s)
There will then be a PUBLIC AUCTION at which
1. You can ‘make your case’ as to why you want this piece banned
2. Other people may then make a case to retain it
3. And then the bidding begins!
(a) You start the bidding (with your agreed amount) for a ban
(b) Anyone can bid ( a higher amount) to overturn to overturn your ban
(c) You can then bid again ( a higher amount still) for the ban you seek
(d) This continues until no higher amount is bid (either or against)
(e) The hymn is either banned or retained, with the highest bid winning
The amount raised will be the final bid (either for or against) – and all proceeds will go to Bishop Sean’s Advent Appeal for Al Ahli Anglican Hospital in Gaza.
The Auction will be launched at our St Andrew’s Day celebration on November 30th, where Bishop Sean will be our special guest.