Disaster Collection in St. Andrew’s following the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria

As we have been seeing on our new reports recently devastating earthquakes have killed thousands of people in Türkiye and Syria. Hundreds of buildings have been destroyed. Survivors are facing freezing conditions and are in need of urgent aid.

Closer to home we have been deeply affected by the news that a dozen children from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus – accompanied by their parents on a school trip for a volleyball tournament in Türkiye – were caught amid the devastating Kahramanmaraş earthquake.

From an article on the LGC news website dated Friday 10th February 2023 we read:

The bodies of four more Turkish Cypriot students were discovered in the rubble of the Isias Hotel in Adiyaman, Yeniduzen reports.

The total number of casualties from the TRNC caused by two earthquakes in Turkey five days ago has risen to 16.

In separate articles, Yeniduzen names some of the latest casualties as: Osman Çetintaş, one of the teachers at Famagusta TMK. Students at Famagusta TMK, Hasan Bilgen, Kagan Selim İş, Alp Akın Mert Niyazi Topukçuoğlu and two brothers Doruk Akın and Alp Akın.

Funerals for the deceased will be held today.

How can we help?

At St Andrew’s there will be a retiring collection after each Sunday’s Eucharistic service this month (February 2023) to help Küzey Kıbrıs Türk Kızılayı (the Turkish Red Crescent) support the needs of people in the earthquake area of Türkiye and Syria. Kizilay TRNC works through Kizilay Türkiye and Turkish Banks in Kibris facilitate money transfer between them.

You may remember that in Lent 2022, following Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, St. Andrew’s made retiring collections after each service, the proceeds of which were passed on to Kizilay TRNC to help support those in need there.

It is hoped that our congregation will once again be as generous as they have been on previous occasions.

What if I am off the island but still want to support?

Many organisations throughout the world have put out powerful appeals for assistance. Maybe you have already given via one of these charity. Donations made to the Disasters Emergency Committee in the U.K. will be gift aided and matched by the U.K. government up to the total of £5million.

However, you may want your support to be added to the St Andrew’s collections.

You can do so by making payments to St Andrew’s UK Charity bank account by bank transfer, using the reference QUAKE. Details are given below.
Bank Details: Unity Trust Bank, 4 Brindley Place, Birmingham B1 2HB
Account No: 20372187
Sort Code: 60-83-01
Account Name: St Andrew’s Church Kyrenia UK Charity
IBAN: GB15UYTB60830120372187

Giving to a disaster is part of our Church’s mission and we can also claim Gift Aid on any known declared donor.

• £10 could provide blankets to keep two people warm
• £25 could provide emergency food for a family for ten days
• £50 could provide emergency shelter for two families

Wherever you are, please donate if you possibly can, to these enormous needs.

Church Council Meeting Synopsis – 1st December 2022

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

Subject to ratification

Thursday 1st December 2022

1. Zoom Licence – Anne Lloyd confirmed that this had been purchased for use by members of St Andrew’s Church Council.

2. Treasurer’s Report – Shane had distributed a financial report for November to members of the council along with a proposed budget for the cost of a new incumbent on a House-for-Duty basis. The process of new Bank Signatories had been completed.

The creation of a Stewardship sub-committee was discussed, and council agreed there should be one. Shane is to contact proposed participants.

3. Recommendations for participants for interview panel for the new incumbent – Members of council proposed and agreed that Jacqueline McIntyre and Elizabeth McLeod will be the representatives for St Andrew’s on the forthcoming interview panel.

4. The future of The Hermitage – More discussions were held on possible ideas for future plans for the Hermitage.

5. Fabric and Maintenance – Stuart advised council on plans for work on dealing with the crack in the church floor in the short-term but for the long-term an engineer’s report should be sought. Recommendations were offered for the upgrade of external paintwork on the church to be carried out in the spring.

6. Church Hall Management – A volunteer has been found who is willing to take on the responsibility for church hall bookings. However, a volunteer is still needed to manage the kitchen. Advertising for this post will continue.

7. Music Week 2023 – Plans for this event have commenced. It will take place in early October 2023, and Earl had contacted and received initial agreement from a suitable facilitator. Also, a donation has been received towards the cost of the week’s events.

8. Date of Next Meeting – To be 26th January 2023.

Church Council Meeting Synopsis – 15th September 2022

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

Subject to ratification

Monday 15th September 2022

1)  Visitors to Church – Malcolm Davies is organising a roster of volunteers who will be available to welcome visitors to the church.  He is to organise a simple method of providing keys to support this project.

2)  Finance – The Treasurer and his team had produced Financial Reports and a Financial summary for the year up to July 22.  During the past two years we have lost some of our main contributors.   Stewardship and Giving should be addressed as a priority.

3)  Zoom Licence – A Licence for the church to use Zoom facilities is to be purchased.

4)  Diocesan Contribution – Council agreed that a contribution of £2,400 would be given to the Diocese in 2022.

5)  New Incumbent and Hermitage – Any decision on renovation of the Hermitage could take one to two years to put into effect.  Council’s immediate attention should go into finding suitable rented accommodation and producing a very tempting advertisement for a House-for-Duty Priest to come and live in lovely Cyprus with its’ low-cost of living in relation to the UK.  An advertisement for this post is to be prepared and placed immediately.

6)  Fabric – Generator maintenance is to be carried out by Malcolm Davies.

7)  Church Hall – St Andrews urgently needs someone to take over this responsibility from Sally Birt who is standing down after many years of loyal service.

8)  Cover for services to the end of the year – This will be arranged between Jacqueline and the Archdeacon.



Church Council Meeting Synopsis – 10th June 2022

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

Subject to ratification

Wednesday 10th June 2022

  1. The Chairman of the UK Charity had sent a request to council for their approval of new Trustees following recent resignations. The following people had expressed their willingness to serve: 


               Council approved the above people as Trustees.

  1. Investigations into the cost of obtaining a Zoom Licence are to be made.
  1. A new notice board is on order.
  1. If having refreshments on the first Sunday of the month are to continue, then more volunteers are needed for the coffee/tea rota. A request for volunteers will be put onto the pew sheet.
  1. The new Incumbent was discussed further, and clarification of terms agreed. It is hoped that an advertisement will be placed in September.
  1. The Hermitage – Trustees from JEMT Cyprus had visited the Hermitage and looked at what work was required. They would be submitting a report to JEMT UK for further discussions with all interested parties.
  1. The provision of clerical cover during the coming weeks was discussed.

Church Council Meeting Synopsis – 16th May 2022

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

Subject to ratification

Wednesday 16th May 2022

1)  Ukraine donation – A donation of 12,500TL for Ukraine had been presented to Kuzey Kibris Türk Kızılay Derneĝi (the North Cyprus Turkish Red Crescent Society).

2)  Finance – The 2020 accounts are close to completion, awaiting the final audit.

3)  Church Hall – The hourly charges have been reviewed and council agreed an increase.

4)  Fabric – Gates – James reported that the gate hinges have been repaired.

Notice Board – Replacement is ongoing.

Benches – Repair is ongoing.

Irrigation System – This is ongoing. 

5)  Parish Profile.  Further amendments were made with the Archdeacon’s guidance.  A draft copy will be produced for the next council meeting.

6)  Hermitage.  Various options had been sent to JEMT (Cyprus) for their consideration.

7)  Jubilee.  Steve and Sally will be serving tea and coffee in the hall on 5th June and alongside this Anne and Pat will organise a celebratory toast to the Queen.

8)  DONM.  This will be at 10.30am on 10th June 2022 in The Heaven Café, Alsancak.

Church Council Meeting Synopsis – 4th May 2022

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

 Wednesday 4th May 2022

(draft – to be formally adopted at the next Council meeting)

Council recommended the following synopsis of the meeting be published on the St Andrew’s website and in the magazine.

1)  Music Week – Earl had been in contact with Dr Joe McGee who will be available to come to the TRNC for the following programme commencing Sunday, 30th October 2022.

          Sunday – Choral Eucharist

          Monday to Thursday am – Choir Practice

          Thursday pm – Choral Evening Concert

2)  Finance – The 2020 accounts are still awaiting final audit but this is being pursued.

3)  Church Hall – Council agreed that the hourly rates currently charged should be reviewed.

4)  Fabric –

Gate hinges need to be repaired. James was authorised to carry out this expenditure and oversee the repair.

New Notice Board is required as the previous one was damaged in the storms.  James was asked to get quotations for council to consider.

Benches.   The bench in the front of the church yard needs repairing.  James is to get a quote for this.  Council decided not to repair the two old benches currently stored at the rear of the church..

Irrigation System.  The system needs adjusting as some planting had been done after the system was installed. Stuart will pursue this with the plumber.

5)  Parish Profile.  Council members had all received copies of the latest suggested amendments and spent a long time working through them.  The final draft will be tidied up and sent to the Archdeacon for his approval.

6)  Hermitage.  Council were given a report on work needed to be done on The Hermitage and quotations had been received.  These options are to be reviewed and investigated.

7)  Jubilee.  There will be an opportunity for a celebratory toast to the Queen during our refreshments fellowship in the hall on 5th June.

8)  DONM.  This will be at 10.30am on 16th May 2022 in The Heaven Café, Alsancak.

Church Council Meeting Synopsis – 13th April 2022

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 13th April 2022

(draft – to be formally adopted at the next Council meeting)

Council recommended the following synopsis of the meeting be published on the St Andrew’s website and in the magazine.

  1. Since making the visit to the President’s office, Fr Mike had received a warm letter from Archbishop Michael complementing him on the initiative and advising that it would be included in the Diocesan website news.
  1. Draft accounts for the year 2021 had been presented to council and council agreed that these should be presented at the ACM, although not audited.
  1. Council members had received a copy of a recent Parish Profile and it was agreed that the incoming council should revise it according to the new circumstances.
  1. The Diocesan Vacancy-in-See committee had sent a questionnaire for all chaplaincies to complete. It was agreed that this should be carried forward to the new council.
  1. Council agreed that as it had not been practical to hold a special service this year to mark the World Day of Prayer, a £100 donation should be made to the charity.
  1. Council agreed that as there were to be refreshments served on the first Sunday of the month for a trial period, we should endeavour to have the shop available for people too. For this to be successful it will be necessary to look for volunteers for the shop and serving refreshments.
  1. Date of next meetingTo be decided when the new council was formed at the ACM.


Church Council Meeting Synopsis – 4th April 2022

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

Monday 4th April 2022

(adopted at the meeting held on 13th April 2022)

The main purpose of this meeting was to mainly discuss the points brought forward at the informal parish meetings concerning the future of St Andrew’s. 

Electoral Roll:  Diana Peek stated that as of today there were 74 names on the Electoral Roll.

Open Parish meetings

Fr Mike is to produce a summary report on the recommendations made at these meetings in preparation for the ACM and the new council.

  • Request for the church to be opened daily
  • Request for more house groups and fellowship
  • More communication
  • Monthly ‘new comers Sunday’
  • Sing songs everyone knows
  • Don’t like sung Eucharist, don’t like sung response
  • Have Observers at council meetings
  • Many people appreciated the worship
  • St Andrew’s could not afford a full time chaplain
  • Archdeacon talked about a House for Duty priest
  • Whatever is decided, not everyone will agree
  • My house has many rooms

The big discussion of the 2nd meeting had been the Hermitage

          Who is actually responsible for church property?  JEMT UK.

The Society of St Andrew’s (the legal entity of the church) has been working with JEMT UK to clarify the situation.

Forward Planning

New Incumbent

There are three important strands to be addressed urgently with regard to getting a new incumbent:

  1. Recruiting for the appointment – A previous Parish Profile to be updated and approved.
  2. The legality to live in the TRNC – A meeting has been arranged with Government to address this.
  3. Accommodation for the incumbent – information is being gathered as to the cost of refurbishing the Hermitage and other options will be handed over to the new council.

Refreshments after the main Sunday service 

Starting with the first Sunday in May,  refreshments will be offered after the service, on the first Sunday of each month, for a trial period of three months.

Easter Lilies

Sally Birt will organise ‘donations in memory of loved ones’ for Lilies in church on Easter Day.  Any surplus money raised will go to the Ukrainian Appeal. 

DONM Wednesday 13h April 2022 at 11.30 hours in the Church Hall.

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