Church Council Meeting Synopsis – 9th March 2023

Synopsis of Church Council Meeting Minutes

Subject to ratification

Thursday 9th March 2023

1. Treasurer’s Report – The February accounts were still to be completed and the
Treasurer is to email them to council members asap. Shane confirmed that he
needed to hand-over the role of Treasurer to a suitable volunteer in the next few

2. A new part-time parish priest has been appointed – Revd Alec Mitchell. He will
arrive in late May and will be Licensed by Archbishop Michael on 4th June.

3. The Hermitage – The Chair of JEMT UK had visited The Hermitage in February.
Revd Alec and his wife had also visited The Hermitage during their recent visit to the island and had expressed a wish that subject to some renovation work on the building, they would like to make it their home while in the parish. JEMT had offered a substantial grant towards the cost of repairs and council agreed that the work should commence as soon as possible.

6. Fabric and Maintenance – Sub Committee report:

a) The replacement of the noticeboard is still outstanding.

b) The replacement of metal drainage outside the church hall plus replacing the man-hole cover is still pending but was regarded as urgent.

c) Main Church Entrance Doors – A Quotation has been obtained for the replacement of these doors and it was agreed that this work should go ahead.

7. Cover for Holy Week and Easter Services had been arranged by Archdeacon Christopher.

8. The Parish Lunch arranged for Sunday 2nd April is to go ahead under Earl’s organisation.

9. Arrangements for the Annual Church Meeting, to be held on Sunday 16th April 2023 were discussed.

10. Health and Safety protocols were discussed when people were working around the church.

Date of Next Meeting – 4th May 2023.

Farewell to Archbishop Michael and Julia – 3rd June 2023.